Friday, August 16, 2013

I Want to Change the Face of PCOS

When I was a freshman in college (2005), I went to the campus infirmary for tonsillitis and in talking with the nurse practitioner and getting on the subject of PCOS, she pointed me in the direction of the office where she did her residency, which was an endocrinology unit at one of the best hospitals in the United States, Mass General Hospital. This doctor ended up being a specialist in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom and at first I thought she was amazing. However as time went on she put me on more prescriptions, and as time went on, the symptoms got worse, which meant even more prescriptions. At one point I was on four different prescription medications and taking as many as 10 pills a day. Finally, in the fall of 2011, a friend recommended 'Clean' by Dr. Alejandro Junger and it saved my life the moment I started reading it. The light bulb finally turned on. Someone had FINALLY realized the connection between what we eat, and what it does to our bodies. Everything he was explaining made perfect sense for why my body was behaving the way it was. See, your stomach holds the key to your health and your immune system is directly affected by what goes into it. The processed foods we consume (gluten, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, soda) get absorbed into our system and attack our immune system which is why we get sick, or get cysts, or cannot have babies. I immediately plunged into any research I could get my hands on and finally found a link on the Clean program's website that lead you to doctors who believed in actually diagnosing the problem and not just sticking you on more medication to cover up the issue. I switched to a Functional medicine doctor about a year ago now and I am losing weight, I am getting a six pack and best of all I am now completely prescription free. 

My journey has lead me to one belief and one belief only, doctors know nothing about this disorder. They stopped diagnosing a long time ago and fed into the miracle of prescriptions just as much as the rest of us did. We trust them because they have degrees and save lives, but are they really saving everyone's? I am making it my mission to hopefully save lives of women with PCOS and improve their quality of life by bringing the knowledge of Clean eating to anyone I can. I don't want the face of PCOS to be some poor soul who hates herself and the way she looks. I want it to be some gorgeous women who shines from the inside out, who is happy and healthy! I don't think we realize that women with PCOS suffer from MULTIPLE symptoms while other people just suffer from one here or there. If we were able to change the lives of women with PCOS, we could probably solve the riddles for a lot of other health problems as well. Why no one has figured this out yet, except for Dr. Junger and a few others of course, I have no freaking clue.

I may not be a doctor, but I certainly plan to educate myself on nutrition and wellness and one day get my masters so that people will trust me when I say that this is the answer.I hope that you will one day be able to receive the healing power of Clean eating as well. Be well my cysters, x.

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