Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 4 of Clean Eating

I know I am NOT supposed to weigh myself every day but I did again this morning and I thankfully saw a loss. I am down one and a half pounds thankfully. I think my progress may be slower than I am used to being off of Metformin but I know it is better for my body therefore I have no problem with the speed, just a bit anxious haha. I notice when I was showering this morning that my hair did not fall out nearly as much as it had been therefore it is great that it did not take too long for my body to start feeling better. My fingers are really starting to look good again which I love, not to mention I woke up this morning and could really see abs for the first time thanks to my workouts. This is something I have never had and if I am only two and a half weeks in and this is what I am seeing, I cannot wait to see week eights results. 

Life has been intense lately. New situations and past events have come to light in my family and it has been very hard accepting them. Also, my current job is unbelievably stressful and I am really beginning to not enjoy it, not to mention I am moving on top of all this. Despite the fact that I have a lot going on, the best thing I have been able to do for myself is NOT eat my feelings and workout which produces endorphin's. I also have to say that eating every two hours is also making a difference. I'm a big snack-er and crave things very easily therefore this keeps my hunger pains and desperation at bay so I do not eat the wrong things. This is the first time I've done clean eating where I eat every two hours and it is making a monumental difference and I truly feel that I will not have any issue sticking to the plan this time around if it continues to be this easy.


  1. What is a typical day like eating clean? what excercise are you doing? You look amazing :)

  2. Thank you Mary! I am currently doing T25 for my workout and my regiment for eating is as follows:

    I eat every two hours
    30 minutes before eating, I drink 12oz of water with a few dashes of Himalayan salt in it to mineralize my system
    I usually workout in the morning therefore breakfast typically is my Shakeology Shake to get protein into me to rebuild my system
    I'll snack between breakfast and lunch on some nuts typically
    Lunch is usually meat with veggies
    Snack will be a gluten free granola bar or nuts again
    And dinner is almost always a large bowl of fruit
