Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 9 Of Eating Clean

Still feeling good and am down 6lbs from last week. 

Today though, I have too much on my mind to focus on PCOS. Sometimes life happens and that takes precedence. Also, my eating clean and exercising every day is my focus, not how my PCOS brings me down. 

A lot has happened in the last week. I moved into a new place (YAY), got let go from my job (YAY/NAY) and found out my Dad's best friend died last night (BIG NAY). My new place is heaven. The light is unbelievable, it was recently refurbished and has all new appliances so it's very cute, the area is darling and it feels like home. For the first time in a long time, I really feel like I found somewhere that matches my soul. We sit up on a hill and are on the third floor. I haven't had to use the air conditioning once since moving in and I love it. The breeze is fabulous, the sunrise and sunsets have been spectacular and the best part is that we have a view of just hills, trees and sometimes Boston. I may never want to leave. 

As for my job, it was not the best place to work. They let me go for mistakes that I feel a lot of people would have made. Things were not made clear, they were not given to me in the proper format and they jumped me from servicing 2 people to servicing 10 in a very short period of time. I also got blamed for someone else's mistake. It was a lot to handle and they had promised me a promotion once they hired someone to take my place but instead they hired other people and pushed me out. I'm glad to be gone though. I'm ready to move on to a company who will recognize an employees talent and place them in a position to succeed. It's been a long time coming leaving that place, whether it was by choice or not, so I'm very happy, surprisingly, for someone who just lost their job. There are some hopefuls on the horizon and I don't plan to be out of a position for much longer.

As far as Charlie is concerned, my father's best friend, I am devastated. I haven't seen him in a while but he always loved me like I was his own. When everything went south in my family, he was one of very few people who were on my "Dad's" side who wasn't ignorant to what had taken place my whole life. When he found out that I had cut off contact with my father, he was so proud of me. Every time I saw him he would ask, "Are you still not speaking with your father?" and I would reply, "No sir, I am still not speaking with him," and he would simply reply, "GOOD." The fact that someone so close to my Dad was big enough to realize just what was going on meant so much to me, especially since many of my own family members have excluded me from family events purely because my relationship is strained with my father. How I got pushed to the outside when I had no control over what happened when I was younger, I don't know. All I know is that one of the last people I ever expected to give me love and support was one of the first. I'll never forget his bright rosy cheeks, the light in his eyes and his booming voice (booming mostly because he was deaf from being an infantry instructor in the army). 

Though it's been a tough week, it does not mean I'll let it get me down. Life happens. It is not an excuse to fall off the wagon or lose sight of your dreams. I will not lose sight of my hopes and wishes for my future.

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