Sunday, September 8, 2013

Radical Acceptance

When I first started seeing my doctor, she went over my entire medical history with me, including my background. Which at first I did not quite understand, but then she explained. Due to having a traumatic childhood, it caused unnecessary stress on my system and at the pique of the abuse, my symptoms started to show their ugly head. Some think the symptoms start at puberty, however I had begun showing signs of puberty, including getting my period, back in elementary school and my symptoms did not show up until high school. She said that stress was directly related to how the symptoms manifested and that being said it makes perfect sense. All of my symptoms were at their worst during the hardest times of my life. Growing up in an abusive household (I ballooned to 185lbs), losing my Best Friend Paul Freshman year (again ballooned to 185lbs), and so on and so forth. 

My biggest concern now is, how much of this is our food, but also how much of this is stress too? I have to wonder if I had not gone through a stressful childhood, would my symptoms be as bad as they are? How different would my life have been? Knowing this information going forward will mean that I will take every care possible to ensure that my stress levels do not get too high. I enjoy yoga and personal development therefore I hope to continue on my journey as far as that's concerned and I hope to continue to practice Radical Acceptance in my every day life to make it easier on my system to process life.

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