Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Cheery Holiday Season Update

This 'Clean' program may just change my life and I'm very excited about it. Thankfully just in reading the book and being made aware of just how toxic the American diet is, I've already started to take measures to reverse my eating habits via the help of the people at Clean. I'm only a day and a half in but I can already see a difference. The edema that I tend to notice mostly in my stomach and hands seems to be disappating. Not that anyone really needs to know the following detail but my urine is almost clear almost every time I go to the bathroom which means my liver isn't processing toxins. I'm hoping to incorporate the garlic pills and one tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil a day over the weekend. In the past with most diets, I just have trouble sticking to them because who wants to give up all that yummy food? Certainly not me. After reading this book though and realizing how much of the food we in the USA eat is actually not supposed to enter our bodies because we were never meant to ingest such things is disturbing. Reading about what these toxins do to our bodies and what they cause is making me never want a french fry ever again. I think more than anything I'm just looking forward to losing that last stubborn 15-20 pounds that apparently the toxins won't let me lose as well as having a baby face no more! I want to look young and beautiful but I'd actually like to look 25 and not 17, I know, strange but it annoys me when I get carded at a rated R movie sometimes still. I suppose on top of all that, I'm looking forward to being rid of my symptoms forever. To have asthma, keratosis pelaris and alopecia be a thing of a past would be such an amazing thing, it's hard to imagine such a life...

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