Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I have to say I am absolutely in love with this book I'm reading called 'Clean' by Alejandro Junger M.D. In the past I've found it obnoxiously difficult to get excited about eating healthy, especially since to eat poorly serviced my cravings caused by the toxins in my body as well as the low blood sugar, which I'm sure has something to do with the toxins as well. I have been eating healthy for 6 days now and I feel amazing. Thankfully the book has made me so disgusted with the way Americans eat, I can't look at my old favorites the same way anymore. Even on the train yesterday when somebody had a big bag of McDonalds, usually my cravings would run mad with just the scent and I'd immediately become hungry, however with my new outlook, I actually felt sick to my stomach just catching a whiff of it. I am currently eating gluten free, dairy free products with no processed sugar, caffeine or alcohol. I already have more energy, my face has already slimmed down, my keratosis pelaris seems to be disappearing and my edema and bloating seems to have calmed down quite a bit. My fat rolls aren't nearly as bad when I sit, YAY! My vertigo seems to be dissipating which is HEAVEN and I haven't had any issues with low blood sugar despite the fact that I'm eating marginally less. My life no longer revolves around my food and what my cravings are telling me to go after next. This seems like something that will stick and I don't think I'll ever go back to how I used to eat, thankfully. The gluten free products aren't as horrible as I thought they'd be and almond milk is better than regular milk, something I never thought I'd say. Now as the dairy queen of the Northeast I thought I'd die without cheese but I have to say, now that my cravings seem to be washed from my body, I don't miss it. I'm actually looking forward to eating my roasted potatoes, beets and squash for lunch. Had it for dinner last night and it was YUMMY. I also thought I'd die without caffeine but I've found myself quite productive without it. It's amazing that I'm feeling this good already and I haven't even started the clean officially. These are just guidelines their support program in New York suggested to me. For all my PCOS ladies, I highly recommend this already and I'm not even close to being finished with it!

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