Friday, September 9, 2011

A Lacstose Update

Day 7
Weight: No change
Size: No Change
Exercise: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

So far I've gone cold turkey since last Saturday and have yet to have anything that has lactose in it... or so I thought. A good friend of mine made a good point that we are supposed to be Lactose Intolerant by nature. She stated that we are the only animal that drinks the milk of another. I had also discussed with her that I couldn't eat dairy, including eggs but she wasn't sure if that was something that had lactose in, turns out it's not (which is good cause I love me some eggs) However, turns out there's a lot of food I thought I could eat that I can't. Bottom line it's going to be more important now more than ever to pay attention to labels. I will say though that even after just six days of pretty much no lactose, my arms are already starting to clear up. The Keratosis Pilaris seems to be abating. I will start taking pictures to keep a documentation of how it clears up. My face is still fairly broken out but seems to slowly be healing. I still have some decent blockage in my T-zone but I'm assuming that will take the longest to clear up.

Thanks to the advice of my dear friend Kelli, I finally called and set up my mail order prescriptions and will be receiving my Metformin next week. I'll get right back on my regiment of taking it properly in the hopes that my stomach will shrink to it's normal size.

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