Monday, September 5, 2011

You Are Beautiful, Cysts, Hair Loss and All...

Day 3
Weight: No Change
 Size: No Change
Exercise: Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred
Construction Status: Laying the Concrete

For the married women, you've already been lucky enough to find a someone who accepts you for you, for all us single gals, I know it's a constant worry. For my symptoms, I suffer from hair loss (I've lost about 75% of my hair), cysts (when I have them I look about 6 months pregnant), and I have bad skin. Therefore, on my worst days I feel like an ugly 6 month pregnant (yes ugly cause you don't get the benefit of having the glow when there's just a cyst growing in there), balding chick with volcanoes all over her face. And even though no one else may notice it, you do and it certainly affects your confidence level on a daily basis. I'm only going to be happy and have a wonderful level of self esteem if I figure this out and that's what this is all about. Wouldn't it be wonderful to just work hard on your diet and exercise and then one day wake up and look in the mirror and see a normal person, not someone who has every unattractive feature possible staring back? You'd want to celebrate! Have a photo shoot, get dolled up, wear your sexiest dress and go out and go dancing with your girls. My hope for you all is that you find the right beat for you. We're are all beautiful on the inside and we deserve to be happy and have that beauty show on the outside.

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